Class Description
Journaling is a fantastic way give your inner child a voice. It is also a very easy way to connect to your soul and find answers to your deepest life questions. If done correctly, journaling can change your life.
Many of us describe our childhood as difficult and not as traumatic; for a child being yelled at, being left behind, or being made to feel ashamed is indeed trauma. Trauma is a jolt of energy into the nervous system that needs to be cleared in order for us to feel healthy, whole, and happy.
Even if you don’t resonate with having any trauma in childhood, journaling will still undoubtedly help you uncover why you may be stuck in bad relationships, feeling unfulfilled, and it will help you explore the root cause of your fears and anxieties.
In this class everyone will benefit, those who need help releasing childhood trauma, and those who are simply feeling stuck in life.
Join me, pen to paper as we heal together through journaling.