Class Description
If you have read my book, The Unspoken, or follow me on social media you know that journaling is a huge part of my personal healing program. My techniques are not rocket science and can be used by anyone. My method is based on a combination of the works of Nicole Sachs, Curable Health, Dr. Sarno, and my own therapist.
I found my way to healing and I know you will too. Take what you like from this class to formulate your own practice.
In this class everyone will benefit, those who need help releasing childhood trauma, and those who are simply feeling stuck in life.
Join me, pen to paper as we heal together through journaling.
Class Supplies/Tips
Items needed for class are: Legal Pad of paper, pen, highlighter, phone for timing, and uninterrupted time.
This class can be watched in one day, over the course of several days, or at your own pace. Follow your gut, go as fast or slow as your body is telling you to. There are no rules.
The most important part of this class is that you actually do the work; journal every day for thirty days. Journaling won’t help you heal if you don’t keep a consistent practice.
*Important note: you will not be keeping these journal entries, they will be thrown out, ripped up, or burned immediately after you write them.